

Healing By Stone

Use the search bar or the links in this chart to find your gemstone. Please contact us if you are unable to locate a particular stone.



Agate Tones and strengthens body and mind; imparts a sense of strength and courage.  Enhances creativity and stimulates the intellect.  Calming and soothing; dispels feelings of jealousy.
Amazonite Soothes nervous system.  Strengthens heart and physical body.  Brings joy and upliftment.
Amethyst Strengthens endocrine and immune system.  Powerful blood cleanser & energizer.  Helps mental disorders.  Enhances psychic and channeling abilities.  Calming; excellent for meditation.
Ametrine For intellectual stimulation, optimisim, releasing tension and negative energy, removing prejudice and promoting inner peace. 
Apatite For intellect, achieving results, healing, insight, meditation, balance and creativity.
Aventurine Purifies mental, emotional, and etheric bodies.  Aids in releasing anxiety and fear.  Encourages independence.  Said to promote luck, financial & career success and gambling luck.
Bloodstone Excellent for centering and grounding; also calming.  Lessens confusion and anxiety.  Increases courage; enhances intellect.  Brings prosperity and abundance.
Carnelian Improves memory; alleviates sorrow and grief.  Increases courage and creativity.  Lessens anger, jealousy, and fear.  Used for protection and good luck.  Can assist in finding the right mate.
Calcite Used as an energy amplifier.    Excellent for meditation; said to connect the physical to the spiritual.  Stimulates insight and boosts memory; excellent for study.  Removes friction & creates clarity.
Celestite Inspires creative expression; sharpens the mind and reduces stress.  Gently energizing; banishes dark moods and sadness; brings inner peace.  Excellent for dream recall.
Citrine Enhances body's healing energy.  Diminishes self-destructive tendencies.  Raises self-esteem.  Brings lightheartedness; cheerfulness; hope.  Attracts abundance. Beneficial for kidneys, colon, liver, and heart.
Coral Stone Brings love and prosperity.  Helps to connect with nature.  Attracts optimism and creativity.  Increases inner peace and understanding of purpose.
Diamond For courage, strength, healing, protection, abundance, amplification and hope.
Emerald For love, domestic bliss, love, harmony & focus.  Also promotes memory, faith and truthfulness.
Feldspar Promotes self-awareness and self-love. A stone of creativity, helps to reach one's goals. A protective stone, especially while traveling.  Prevents the drain of energy from encounters with demanding people.
Fluorite Strengthens teeth and bones.  Beneficial for blood vessels and spleen.  Grounds excess energy.  Excellent for advancement of mind, concentration, meditation.  Facilitates interdimensional communication.
Garnet Removes negativity. Promotes romantic love, passion, sensuality, intimacy and career success. 
Green Moss Agate Brings positive energy; enhances hope and optimism.  Improves self-confidence and self-esteem.  Attracts abundance and prosperity.  Strongly connected to nature.
Hematite Has positive effect on bloodstream.  Activates spleen.  Increases resistance to stress.  Strengthens physical and etheric bodies.  Energizing.  Enhances personal magnetism, optimism, will, courage.
Jadeite or Jade As a talisman, it protects from misfortune. Strengthens the body, protects from fatigue and extends lifespan.
Jasper Enhances one's ability to relax and brings tranquility, comforting, wholeness, healing, and gentle endings. It is sometimes called the nurturing stone for its nurturing and protective energies.  
Jet Used for protection, to ward off negativity and to protect finances.  It is considered a stone of sympathy and for healing grief. It is an excellent calming stone, and helpful for treating migraines & stomach pain.
Labradorite  Enhances dream recall and intuition; helps find your true path in life; promotes wisdom, understanding, and patience; relieves stress and anxiety.
Lapis Lazuli  Brings clarity and objectivity.  Opens the mind, enhancing intuition and creativity.  Helps to become more organized.  Used to overcome shyness.  Strengthens love and fidelity within marriage.
Moonstone A stone of protection; also associated with love.  Enhances intuition and psychic abilities.  Calming.  Heightens sensitivity.
Obsidian A very powerful protective stone said to shield against negativity and to remove negativity from the environment.  Enhances ability to achieve worldly success.  Grounding.  Protects against psychic attacks.
Ocean Jasper Very soothing and helps to love one's self as well as others. It is very healing of the emotions and brings peace of mind. It helps with acceptance of responsibility and increases patience.
Onyx Energizing.  Helps cope with emotional and physical challenges.  Protects against negative energy.  Fights jealousy.  Enhances ability to focus on goals.
Pearl For purity, faith, innocence, integrity, focus, wisdom & sincerity.
Quartz/Crystal Quartz Activates and enhances pineal and pituitary glands.  Emotional balancer.  Amplifies thought forms.  Full spectrum energy activates all levels of consciousness.  Dispels negative energy.
Rose Quartz  Increases fertility.  Eases sexual and emotional imbalances.  Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear, jealousy.  Reduces stress, cools hot temper.  Aids development of forgiveness, compassion, love.
Smoky Quartz  Increases fertility; balances sexual energy.  Aids depression.  Dissipates subconscious blocks and negativity on all levels.  Grounding, centering.  Excellent for meditation.  Enhances dream awareness.
Sodalite  Alleviates fear.  Balances male/female polarities.  Enhances communication and creative expression.Aids pancreas and endocrine system.
Tiger Eye  Beneficial for spleen, pancreas, digestive organs, colon.  Enhances connection with personal power and will.  Grounding; centering.  Helps soften stubbornness.  Enhances clear perception and insight.
Tourmaline  Protective against negative energies like jealousy, anger, and resentment.  Amplifies compassion, good will, and tolerance.  Increases calmness, serenity, and happiness.  Helps increase concentration. 
Unakite  Balances emotional, spiritual, and mental energies; relieves inhibiting energy blockages.  Brings love; helps healing of separation and abandonment issues.



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